I've been a bit crabby lately. It's no one's fault, just a simple matter of running in several directions at once. I have to calm down and take life one day at a time; eventually Craig will heal and I will sleep again. Mornings in our house have gone from routine to complete chaos. Take today, for instance. By the time I had us clean, dressed, the car warm, and out the door, I realized that the car seat needed to re-installed. It happens every time we need to have someone else pick up/drop off Murray at daycare. I don't know why I can't remember to take care of it the night before.
Craig is hanging in there, but the pain and boredom are wearing on him. He did four loads of laundry today(leaving him exhausted and in pain). Since he can't lift, I brought the clean baskets to him and he did the folding. I'm getting a pretty good laundry deal out of this mess.
Murray is, well, Murray. I miss him with these long hours, but I manage to find special moments with him in the morning and the evening. Things will settle down work-wise when the students go on break, so it won't be so many late nights until after Christmas break. I know it's for the best, and the best is all I can do.
On a final note, H family and YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, Craig almost fell off the couch and broke another vertebrae when he received your "Get Better Sioux" card. That said, I laughed, and I laughed, and then I laughed some more. I'm framing the card. Murray hasn't opened his present yet, but you will be hearing from him when he does. Lastly, H family (because I know MH, you are reading), we love your card, we love you, and we wish you the very best in the weeks ahead. Thanks for the super picture. You are in our prayers.
That's all I have for now. My couch is calling (because my bed is hosting an injured, snoring man). Until next time. . .
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