Monday Morning Chaos

We woke up a bit late this morning, but we still made it out the door right on schedule. However, since we were running late, Murray was going to have to eat breakfast at daycare today. He finally slept until 7:40 today. Hooray! Anyway, we were right on schedule; Murray was strapped in the warm car, happily snuggling with his blanket. I threw the keys in the front seat along with my purse, but as soon as I went to open my door, the truck shut off and the doors locked. The sound of the doors locking with my precious baby in the car could very well be the worst sound I've heard to date. Keys and Murray both inside, I almost fell over. I ran in the house (even though he was locked in, I didn't want to leave him out there by himself) to search for the spare set, but couldn't find it. I finally grabbed the home phone, went outside, heard a crying Murray, called Craig and then the police. MPD arrived in a flash (though it felt like an hour) and saved the day, but by that time, Murray was hysterical with fear and getting cold. We arrived at daycare, late, sad, and a bit wound up. I was carrying him in ever so carefully, I lost my balance on the ice and almost dropped him and broke my neck at the same time. After slamming his foot in the car door last week, I'm beginning to feel as though there may be a curse on the Durango. I felt like such a terrible mom, but the kind officer who helped us assured me that this is common. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day, but I think maybe I'll go back to driving the car.


Judy said...

You are a great mom!! I got to see Murray yesterday (missed you, however) and he is such a happy, loving baby. You have a very special boy there!! I wish I could have spent more time with him (and Craig and you too, of course) but maybe next time we get together.

Motherhood is not easy but you are doing a wonderful job!!!

Happy New Year!!


Roxane B. Salonen said...

Oh, we've all had those days, truly. Murray's already forgotten about you, so you should, too, and start over with this new day. :)