
There is something wonderful about peaceful winter Saturday mornings. . .this morning it was my turn to sleep in, so I snuggled under the covers after Craig got up with Murray and reveled in a couple of extra hours of sleep.

I woke up to a very happy Murray, who had been playing with Daddy and every toy in the house, it seemed. I didn't mind the mess; I joined in the fun, playing and dancing until nap time.

I just finished wrapping a few more Christmas presents, and am steadily working on the pile of dirty clothes that has once again invaded the laundry room.

Craig went to do some Christmas shopping, so when he gets back, I will have more presents to place under the tree. Speaking of Craig and Christmas shopping brings to mind a hilarious story that took place on Thursday. I got home from work to catch up on housework, but when I walked in the door, I knew something was up. Both dogs were hiding from me, which they tend to do when they've been naughty. No sooner had I taken my coat off, when I looked around the living room and found ENORMOUS bras strewn all over. Apparently, they had "opened" my Christmas present from Craig. The best part is that they were just way too big. They would have fit over my winter coat. I laughed until I was gasping for breath and then called Craig at the office to share the news. Anyway, I was able to ship them back to Victoria's secret and exchange them for the correct size. When I questioned him about the size he ordered, his response was that he looked at the tag of one of my current bras. Well, these are my ratty old nursing bras and although they are bigger than my normal size, they still aren't as big as those he ordered. Anyway, it's a perfect gift, because I'm obviously in need of some new unmentionables, but it's one of the many memories I will cherish forever.

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