My Personal Pity Party

Warning: If you can't stand to listen to people wallowing in self-pity, stop reading here.

I usually dread Sunday afternoons. They've always been the most depressing day of the week for me. Sundays are the wrap-up of the weekend, and I know that Monday will bring school (in the past), work, meeting the demands of every day life (a life I love and wouldn't trade for anything). Today, though, I can't wait for afternoon. DH has been gone a lot lately and this was another weekend of his absence. He travels for MAPE, and since it's the beginning of a political season, has been busy with meetings for the DFL, as well as volunteering for the SAL on Monday nights. I admire his passion for change and his involvement in the community, but it's awfully exhausting for both of us. Murray misses his daddy, and I miss my co-pilot. The house is such a disaster today that I may just go nuts. The good news is that Craig will be home this afternoon so that he can spend time with Murray and I can get the house in shape for the week. I attempted this morning, but only got as far as a load of laundry and the kitchen cleaned up. It took me 45 minutes just to do the dishes because Murray was standing on a chair "helping" i.e. making a huge mess. I let it go because water play is a great sensory activity. Added bonus: The sooner he learns to wash dishes, the sooner I won't have to!

Anyway, this weekend Craig went ice fishing with some friends. I'm happy that he had the opportunity to relax with his buddies, but I can't help but feel a little left out. In a few weeks he will take his annual trip to WCHA. Again, I'm glad for his sake that he has these opportunities; we just miss him (and I do realize that he's working on most of his trips). The next two weekends he will be home, and we're looking forward to family time (I hope to get a couple of hours of "me" time in as well).

There you have it - my pity party for the day. I realize there are much worse things to complain about, but it's my blog, my place to vent, and this is my outlet. Does anyone else out there have an absentee spouse? How do you deal?

I think (I HOPE) that I have solved the mystery of Murray's sudden change in sleep habits. I do believe he's getting his molars - is it too late for that - because I saw what looked like a new tooth way in the back popping through. I think we'll try some Tylenol before bed tonight.

Pray for the Chileans.


Maggie said...

Thanks for the shout out and for all you have done this week and always. Perhaps I wouldn't have noticed before, but you mentioned Tylenol twice in your blogs :) Love you!
P.S. We wished you were with us last night too. Brian and Kayla say sorry for not inviting you. They meant to!

Marie said...

LOL - sorry about the Acetomnicin mention. Will refrain from now on.

You don't have to thank me. We will always be there for each other, no matter what. I'm glad I could help and that things are looking up! Hi to Brian and Kayla!