Weekend Getaway

We arrived in the cities at about 5:00pm. After a quick stop at Marshall's to buy Murray some swim trunks (we forgot the most important item on the packing list), we finally got to the hotel. Murray and I have already been in the "POOO" (the pool), talked with Grandpa and Grandma via Skype and room service was just delivered.

Craig has meetings tomorrow, so Murray and I will meet up with family for breakfast and a pool day. I'm hoping my Aunt and cousins can make it over as well. I also have a good friend that I will try to meet up with sometime during our stay.

Craig and Murray are leaving on Saturday, and Roxane will arrive. We are attending a celebration of the late Emilie Lemmon's life (it would have been her birthday). The fun part about the adventure is that all of us who have connected through Emilie will get the chance to meet in person. On Sunday Roxane and I plan to attend Mass at the St. Paul Cathedral (I've always wanted to experience Mass there) and then have brunch. I am relaxed, happy and looking forward to the next few days with family and friends.

The interview went well, but my enthusiasm may have been a bit over the top. When asked what one of my short term goals is, I replied, "to secure this position". Laughter all around. I'm hoping I didn't botch it. Anyway, the interview lasted almost three hours and consisted of meeting with several different committees and departments. There are eight finalists so the competition is pretty stiff. I'm relying on God and his plan and if it doesn't work out then I'm certain He has a different idea in mind.

I just tried to take a picture of Murray eating room service (walleye fingers) on his tray in the big chair, but of course, the batteries in the camera are shot and I forgot to bring fresh. I'll have to pick some up tomorrow. You'd be surprised; I'm learning the city and with the help of Tom Tom, can generally get where I need to be. I'm definately not ready to navigate the interstates, but I can at least manage the suburbs without an anxiety attack. I'm making progress.

It's almost Murray's bed time, so I will say goodnight now. Sweet dreams all; more tomorrow.


1 comment:

Roxane B. Salonen said...

Hey Marie, glad you found time to post. I loved hearing about your trip "so far." So nice that you'll get a good dose of family time before we begin our leg of the adventure. Check your email one last time, too. I just want to share something I just wrote to the list where I first met Emilie. Blessings, and see you soon! Roxane