Cabin Fever
Flynn had to have a tracheotomy tube put in yesterday. This was not great news, as she is unable to speak. Our hope is that this will solve her lung troubles so that she can move to Denver very soon. It hurts to not be with them.
Despite the zoo in our home, our temporary addition, Millie (the Murray's dog) has been a joy. She is such a good girl and love to cuddle, and of course, rough house with Rudy, which he desperately needs. He's an active dog, where Nala is not (can't blame her - she's 10 years old), so this extra activity is welcomed. We are more than happy to keep her as long as necessary. They are the best of friends. We've had quite a few laughs with her around.
Murray is teething again (upper molars this time), so we've had a few sleepless nights. Craig finally put the futon in Murray's room last night and slept near him so that we could all rest. It's very uncomfortable - no wonder Casey retreated to his own home! :)
Craig is out snow blowing, since the snow has finally taken a break. I think we're supposed to get more tonight, but as least some of it will be cleared.
I think I'll start a puzzle. I'm bored to tears. Stay warm and dry.
Good News, Bad News
With the situation as dire as it is, I'm amazed that our communities are still banding together. Tension runs high, but the commitment to saving our homes and cities is even higher.
I just spoke with Casey and received an update on Flynn. She had a very good day yesterday, using her arms and wrists to sit up, and even took a ride in a wheel chair, visiting the babies. This is awesome news, considering the diagnosis. Unfortunately, she did not sleep well last night due to coughing. Today will be a day of very hard work for her, so we are hoping she will be rested up in time to leave for Denver on Monday. Casey is on flood patrol at his own home, and my hope is, getting some much needed rest as well. My prayers continue to be with them.
My sister and brother- in -law had to make the difficult decision to put their beloved dog, Sammie, down yesterday. It may seem trivial to some during these times of crisis, but he was very special to them and will be greatly missed. He was one of a kind.
I'm off to do some housework and pack a few things. I'm feeling a pull to nest - I'm quite sure I'm not the only one to feel this way right now. God Bless, stay safe.
Raising the Roof (or the Dikes, in This Instance)
Casey is home today and as soon as they returned from the long, treacherous journey, went to a neighbor's home, along with my aunt, uncle and grandpa to help sand bag. They are amazing.
Check out the latest on Flynn's caring bridge site - her beloved dog, Layla, was able to visit her in the hospital. Her smile is incredible.
God Bless.
A Few More Notes
On another note, the flood situation here is still dire. I will be sandbagging again tomorrow and hope that all volunteers stay safe and keep positive attitudes.
Here's to not floating away -or, as my friend Danny says: "Mother Nature is not getting a mother's day card this year". I laughed so hard at this comment that I almost cried. It's good to be humorous in times of fear and tragedy.
Love to all,
Stuck in the Mud
I'm going to rest. Tomorrow brings another harrowing, yet positive day. The community support is awesome - I met some amazing people today.
God bless all of you who are helping in any way possible to protect our communities. May you stay warm, dry, and safe.
Thank You
Flynn will be transferred to a world renowned Spinal Rehabilition Institute on Tuesday. She will likely be there for 3-6 months. I am very, very proud of her and her family for their strength during this most devasting time. I believe in miracles, and we sure need one right now. Thank you again for your continued thoughts and prayers for our family.
On another note, since Moorhead is now considered code red, I'm off in a bit to help sand bag for a close friend of mine. No need for the Y today - I'll get my workout sandbagging. Murray will be with G & G B.
Murray is awake, so I need to pack him up. I will post more later. Again keep sending positive thoughts and prayers to Flynn and her family - they are greatly appreciated.
In Support of the Murray's
An Update on Parenting
1. To DH (dear husband): Would you please examine the contents of this soiled diaper? I'm not sure if the remnants are demonstrating signs of a healthy baby.
2. To Baby: Please stop eating out of the dog's dish.
3. To DH: The baby and I are napping. If you wake either one of us, you can count on certain death.
4. To Ask A Nurse: What is a normal color for baby vomit?
5. To work: I can't come in today - the baby has periorbital cellulitis and loose stools.
6. To Pediatrician: Why won't the baby sleep through the night?
7. Repeat number 6.
8. Discussion with DH: We are out of food - AGAIN. Baby is eating us out of house and home.
9. To Baby: We do not eat plants, tip them over, take a bath in the dog's water dish, or use our new teeth to bite mama and daddy.
10. To DH: Could you please hold the baby down while I extract the mucous from his nose?
11. To Baby: The dogs are NOT horses and we do not ride them. Nor do we pull their hair, yank their ears, stick fingers in their nostrils, or poke their eyes. Same goes for the cat.
Our discussions are certainly not this "proper", but I thought it would be inappropriate or offensive to use our actual dialogue. Thus far, the journey has been scary, exciting fun, and confusing. Oh, and very messy. Despite the challenges, I wouldn't change a thing. The phrase "never say never" has NEVER been so true.
Random Monday Ramblings
Yesterday we attended church for the first time in several months. I have avoided going to Mass because I'm struggling with my faith, and I don't always agree with Monsignor and the practices of our church. I've decided to put those aside and concentrate on God instead of politics. My soul breathed a sigh of relief as we entered the church and took our places in the pew, and I remembered to be grateful for all that God has blessed me with.
I took the dogs on a walk yesterday. Nala did well for about 3 blocks, and then huffed and puffed and trudged along behind Rudy and I. We slowed our pace considerably, and shortened the walk. I didn't even put her leash on; I knew she wasn't going to take off on me. She's just getting too old and her hips are giving out. It's heartbreaking. Sometimes I drop her off at home and continue with Rudy, but she whines and is very sad if she isn't allowed to go. She turns 11 years old this month and I fear she won't last another winter. The ultimate decision will be Craig's, as they have been companions since she was six weeks old. I don't bring it up. I'm sure he will tell me when it's time.
On a happier note, I'm heading to Las Vegas in May. I am so excited. This will be my very first trip on my own (Craig and Murray are staying behind), as I am meeting some girlfriends that I graduated from high school with. Craig booked my ticket yesterday and even used miles to upgrade my seat to first class. WOO HOO! It will be so much fun to connect. One of our friends can't make it due to her upcoming wedding, so we're a bit bummed, but she will be in our thoughts.
I was really looking forward to my water workouts this week, but I just received an email from the Y stating the the pools will be closed until at least Thursday. Sigh. I guess I'll just have to up my cardio time (I hate cardio) until I can get back in the pool.
My stomach is growling - I'm off to heat up lunch.
The Snow Patrol
I refuse to let this weather get me down. We're in the second week of March, and it should be nice this weekend. Although we'll probably have flooding to deal with, I'll cross that bridge (if it's not under water) when I come to it.
I'm afraid I'm not feeling very insighful today. I think it's the weather. I imagine there are others who are feeling similar. I'm not feeling blue, just blah. The storm through a loop into getting back to routine; now that it's Thursday already, we'll have to start all over on Monday. Murray was not happy to be at daycare today, but he'll readjust in no time. It doesn't help that he's teething like crazy
We plan to watch the Moorhead Spuds tonight on tv - they are at state tournaments in MPLS. Go Spuds! Other than that, we're looking forward to an uneventful weekend.
Mahalo, Hawai'i
One of the many funny incidents that I just have to write about happened on Tuesday night. Troy wasn't feeling well, so Stef and I went to the PX to load up on "feel better" sundries. It was so hot and humid that night and our air conditioners weren't working very well. We discovered the cooler in the PX, where the sign says: "Walk right in". So we did. It was awesome. Not only was it fun to see the back side of a cooler, but it was stocked with everything from mango juice to Budweiser. We contemplated sleeping in the cooler, but decided we were better off taking care of the three boys.