Sad News

We had what I would call a rough-and-tumble -topsy-turvey - upside - down week.

Craig and I and Murray were swing-set shopping early Saturday morning when we received one of those phone calls that you dread getting: Craig's grandemother had suffered a massive stroke and had been taken via ambulance to Meritcare. Unsure of the prognosis, we left for the hospital. Sadly, Evelyn passed away late that morning. She was quite the lady and will be greatly missed by many.

It was very difficult to be cheerful on Sunday. We went out for lunch but our celebration of Father's Day was half-hearted. We were still in a state of shock and grieving as well. I ended up with an enormous headache so we took a long, much-needed family nap after our outing. It was early to bed for all of us, despite the snooze.

I still have a headache, although now it's more like a dull, nagging pain. This is day three and frankly, I'm quite tired of it. I did finally make it to work today, but not until almost 10:30. It's wearing me down!

I leave for Denver on Friday to finally see Flynn after her accident. She was supposed to have the halo cast removed last week, but the doctors decided that it must stay on for another month or so. This was very disappointing news, but we are still very excited to spend some time with her and learn about her "bubble", as she calls Craig Hospital.

I am off to visit the twins. More soon.


Momma tackles 3 said...

I take it you won't be back for the funeral? I was hoping we could bawl our eyes out together!!!

Roxane B. Salonen said...

Marie, we missed you at the picnic but know you're going through some tough times right now. First things first. There will be other chances. Just take care of yourself and your family. XXXOOO...Peace Garden Mama

Marie said...

Thanks Roxane! I appreciate your understanding. I hope it was fun! I will be in touch when things settle down a bit. . .

Marie said...

Katie - I will be back in time for the funeral. I fly home on Monday. It's a short trip. I will see you there.