We Have a Tie

We have a tie. . .the winners are Stef and Roxane. I might point out that they were the only two to play my little game, but they were both correct. Anyway, watch you're mailboxes, ladies!

"Where do I begin? About a love so sweet la la la la la, where do I start?" If you can't tell, I'm in a musical sort of mood today. I was hammering away on the piano earlier and came across the sheet music for the theme song of "Love Story". Kinda makes me want to watch it again.

Anyway, we had a blessed Christmas. Due to the weather, my Dad couldn't make it (I imagine many of you were stuck or had family stranded in one place or another) but he and Maddie are on the way I as type. I can't wait to see him - as usual, it's been too long. I'm sure Maddie is getting so big! It will be a circus around here with a large puppy, crazy Rudy and cranky Nala. My guess is that the cat will find his hiding spot and we won't see him for a few days.

We spent Christmas Eve with my family on Craig's side. It was a fun-filled day and night. The boys had a blast helping Aunt Amy pass out the presents, which is tradition. I think she's been the present passer-outer since before she could read. It truly was a fantastic day.

The Lovejoy's were stuck in town for Christmas so they honored us with their presence for Christmas dinner and conversation. Their daughter, Mariana, and Murray played until they were exhausted (little Mari is a smart one; Wade and Kristine have a run for their money). Maggie entertained us all just by being herself. She's so funny and charming and all around wonderful. I'm so lucky that she's my sister. Thanks, sis, for not sharing your reasons for not eating pork. I'll remember to make you something else from now on!

The rest of our holiday included blowing snow, shoveling, clearing sewer vents, and more blowing snow. Sheesh! This one will definitely go down in the books for the whitest Christmas ever.

The best part of the whole time for me was feeling Christ's presence in my heart. For the first time in a long, long time, I truly knew (and still know) that He is with us always. What a wonderful feeling!

I'm off to prepare for Dad's arrival. I can't wait to have us all together again.

Most likely, my next post will be in 2010, so I pray that the rest of your 2009 is beautiful.

Have a safe and happy New Year.


Roxane B. Salonen said...

Yippeee! Fun mail -- I can't wait! :)

Roxane B. Salonen said...

Wait, Marie, it's the wrong person. Do you know another Roxane? I just checked, because I couldn't remember what the contest was. Then I realized...I hadn't entered. Red-faced here now. Maybe you could send me a little something anyway? I was so looking forward to mail. Hee hee. Have a great New Year's!

Mom, Dad, Grant and Dylan said...

Marie, I wish you a very Blessed new year all the way through! Snuggle with little man as much as you can! Have a great time with your dad!!