Happy Thanksgiving

In honor of Thanksgiving, today's post will be a short list of the many things I'm thankful for, in no particular order:
Faith, family, friends, our pets, good books, support groups, good health, hot coffee, kisses, hugs, unexpected phone calls, good dreams, a roof over our heads, no car payment, God, Facebook, surprise visitors, an awesome bed, CDIOP, lazy Saturday mornings, warm weather, water to drink, my "team", Dr. Rondeau, food to eat, my job, Craig's job, our child-care provider, Pfizer, green grass, hot tea, health, Nick at Nite, Barnes and Noble, good credit, Weight Watchers, Earth, a good hair cut, new socks, a new day, breathing.

This was a fun exercise. I could go on and on - I am truly a blessed person! May you have a healthy, safe and very happy Thanksgiving!

May the new week come to us
For health, life and all good;
May it bring us sustenance, good tidings,
Deliverance and consolations.
--Women's Sabbath Prayer


Roxane B. Salonen said...

Aren't we so blessed? It's good to take time and actually list it all. We have been loved in so many ways.

Can't wait for our get-together. It's soon, right? The December anniversary of our in-person meeting.

Blessings to you and yours...

troy said...

And happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Marie.

maggie said...

I agree! We do have a lot more to be thankful for than I even think about! Helloooo Blackberry! Ya and water too. :)