Blind Faith

The following conversation took place while tucking Murray in last night.

Murray:  Mama, are there houses in heaven?
Me:         Yes, Murray, God has a place for all of His children, because He loves us all SO much.

Murray:  Grandma Kathy tickled my feet.
Me:         She did?  When?
Murray:  When I was sleeping one day.  I giggled.

Murray:  I just wanted to know if there were blankets in heaven.
Me:        Yep, there sure is!  God has lots of fluffy blankets just for you!
Murray:  Will He have my white blanket?

Murray:  Mama, are there animals in heaven?
Me:         You bet, Mur!  There are lots and lots of animals.
Murray:  How come?
Me:         Because God loves animals and people, just the same.  In God's eyes, we're all perfect.
               He created everything on earth with lots and lots of love.

Murray: What happens when you get to heaven? Are there games? Are there toys? What about
               houses? Will our house be there?  Can we play in heaven?  Do people still love us in
Me:        Yes, Murray.  Heaven is a much better place that anything here on Earth.  And, God has a
               Huge Kingdom for all of us to live together.  Isn't that great?

Murray:   What about songs? Are there songs in heaven?
Me:          Yes, in heaven, everyone sings with joy, because they love God and heaven so much.

I relied on my Catholic upbringing and blind faith to get through this conversation.  More devout Catholics than I may have chosen to answer his questions differently, and honestly, my Catholicism is a work in progress. 

I love that he's curious.  I just wish I had the perfect answers.  Like I said, I'm a work in progress.

Good thing he's going to St. Joseph's in the fall.  I might have to join him.

Crazy Dancer

My husband, Craig, has been attending the WCHA Final Five hockey tournaments in St. Paul, MN, for twelve years.  The group of guys he goes with start planning for the trip around Thanksgiving, and then reminisce about last year's trip from the second they get home until they start the planning process all over again.

It's kind of annoying. 

Nothing, and I mean nothing, will stop them from making the annual trek.

Once, when Murray was just four months old, I came down with a nasty stomach flu. I was in the emergency room being treated for dehydration, and Murray had yet to be away from me overnight.  My crying, screaming, begging, throwing up and passing out didn't even change Craig's mind about going to the tournaments.  That night, I had no choice but to send tiny Murray to his grandparent's home (thank goodness they live in our town).

I really, really wanted to throw a rock at Craig's head that day; I don't think I've ever been so mad at him.

WCHA has never been a negotiable subject in our marriage.  March means WCHA with the boys, and no matter what happens, he's there.  I could be giving birth, and he'd probably leave me in the hands of a stranger just to get to the games.

Now, DH is not a bad guy.  In fact, he's a great guy.  But, when it comes to hockey, he's like a crack addict on a mission.  I'm not exaggerating.

This is what happens: (Sorry, I don't know how to embed this, but trust me, the clip is worth your time).

Yes, that is Craig.  The man I married.

So, I'm thinking, that after eight years of this, it's my turn to start an annual tradition.  Somewhere sunny in mid-January, perhaps.  Cocktails on the beach, anyone?

And surely, I'm a better dancer than he.

Greetings From Molly

Hi everyone, it's me, Molly.

Foster mom and foster dad are so impressed with my progress.  They giggle at me because I act like a puppy.  I might be nine years old, but I'm young at heart.  I love to chew soft toys, and sometimes, I steal my human foster brother's stuffed bear.  Foster mom and dad just gently take it away and replace it with my favorite stuffed duck.

My foster brother, Rudy, thinks I'm pretty great.  He's nine, too, but he doesn't have as much energy as I do.  He plays chase and wrestle with me, but when he's had enough, he barks at me and tells me to stop.  I leave him alone for a rest, and then we're right back at it!

Foster mom said that my doctor called, and the results of my fecal test were negative.  She says that's good news, but I have no idea what she's talking about.  Speaking of poop, yesterday, I was mad at Foster Mom, so I pooped in the house right in front of her.  Foster mom was confused.  She had no idea why I was upset, because we played outside all morning.  But, I've forgiven her, so I'm back to doing my business outside.  She seems to like that.  I just want to make her happy.  I felt pretty bad about going potty inside.  At least she didn't yell at me.  She just looked at me and said, "Oh, Molly, let's go outside."

Foster dad and mom keep squirting stuff in my ears.  I don't really like it, but I put up with it.  They promise that it will make me feel better.  My doctor thinks my ears have been hurting me for a very long time.  I have even stopped scratching my ears!  It feels pretty good.  I'm really trying to be on my best behavior and be a good girl.

Foster mom got me a dog bed and I love it, but what I really love the most is the couch and laps.  Foster brother Rudy gets a bit grouchy when I sit on his spot on the couch, but he just sighs and moves over.  Then we snuggle together.  I love him.

Foster mom said that a very nice lady and man are coming to meet me on Saturday, because they might want to adopt me.  I'm so excited.  They know all about RAGOM and are experienced with lots of RAGOM volunteering, so I bet they can teach my foster mom a few tricks. 

And guess what?  Foster mom and dad are going to welcome Rory 08-547 as soon as they can find a ride for her.  I just know that I'll love to play with her, and my foster brothers will love her, too.  Especially my human foster brother - he is SO nice to us four-legged pals, and he's only four years old.  I'm older than he is, so I show him the ropes by letting him snuggle with me. 

 I'm on the left.  I'm getting a bit gray, but don't let that fool you!
See?  I really, really love to rest on the couch.


Introducing Molly

This is Molly:

Molly is our first foster dog.  Already, we're in love with her. 

She arrived this afternoon, after being transported from the only home she's known for her nine years of existence.  Molly had three volunteers to transport her to our home, so she had a pretty big day.

Molly is an angel.  She has literally had a grin on her face since she arrived, and her tail wags constantly.  She's really matted, and very smelly, but that will be rectified on Monday at our groomer. She's extremely gentle, but again, she really needs a bath.  Pee yew! In the mean time, she's safe and getting LOTS of attention. 

In addition to the much anticipated arrival of Molly, we got to puppy-sit for Baylee.  She was one of the easiest puppies I've ever met.  We fell in love with her, too (so did Rudy).

It's been a busy day in dog land, but I'm guessing everyone will sleep well. 

Except for Craig and I.  We'll be up checking on Molly tonight, to make sure she's comfortable. 

She's On Her Way

 If you've been following for a while, you will know that our sweet Golden Retriever, Nala, passed away right after Thanksgiving.

We miss her still.  She'll always have a special place in our hearts.  It's taken some time for all of us, including Rudy, to adjust to her absence.

And though we can't replace her, we've felt a void.  We really weren't ready to add another permanent dog to our home, and we definitely were not ready for a puppy.  But still, we I felt a calling for another big hound.

I did some research. I found an organization that I felt was a good match - Retrieve a Golden of Minnesota.  I couldn't resist.  I quietly - meaning I didn't tell DH - filled out the foster application.

Slowly, carefully, I planted the idea of fostering a dog in Craig's head.  I've learned that introducing an idea to him a bit at a time and letting him mull it over is usually the best way to get what I want. 

But, SHHHH!  Don't tell him I wrote that. 

He agreed on letting RAGOM conduct a home visit, which I thought was a positive step. When the evening was over, I had a pretty good feeling that he would agree to try fostering.  I was right.  Introducing Molly:  (this is her description from the RAGOM staff)

Molly is a 9 year old PB (purebred) female Golden. She is spayed and weighs 85 pounds which is said to be a good weight for Molly. Molly is good with cats, dogs, chickens, pigs, ducks, and kids of all ages....she has lived with all. Molly lives as an outside dog so it is unknown if she is house trained. She has not been in a crate, stays in the unfenced yard, rides ok in the car but gets excited. She does have storm anxiety and is afraid of gun shots and fireworks. The SO (surrendering owners) have not tried anything to help Molly with her anxieties, she stays outside when it storms. Molly is being surrendered because she does not hunt and now with their sons out of the house she does not get the attention and time she deserves. They had planned to euthanize Molly but talked with a RAGOM volunteer who told them we could help Molly so made the call to ask for our help. Who can help Molly find her new life?

After I read this, I knew that we would be lucky to foster her.

Rudy has storm anxiety, too.  And, he's nine, just like Molly, and loves to play with other dogs.  Plus, she's great around kids, so we're comfortable having her around Murray.  If she's not house trained, well, we'll deal with it.  We have hardwood floors and lots of patience, so no worries there.  I'm home a lot, so she'll have time to get comfortable with us.  Rudy can show her the ropes, and I just know he'll feel a bit less lonely when she arrives.
I just received word that she'll arrive tomorrow.  I'm beside myself with excitement.  I can't wait to love her.
Her vet and grooming appointments are scheduled for next week.  Her brand new bed is here (don't worry, Rudy got a new one, too.  I won't leave him out) and I have her collar, leashes, treats, and tennis balls at the ready.
Now, we just need Molly. 

Stay tuned for pictures.