It's hard to believe it's the middle of June. It's been a very busy summer! Here's the latest in the "Murray's Momma" household.
Sadly, we decided to find a new home for Kirby, our 5-year-old cat. My allergies were worse than ever this spring, and unfortunately, Kirby's dander was a contributing factor. A wonderful graduate student adopted him, and she takes extremely good care of him. She even takes him on walks. I know he's getting the attention and love he deserves.
We still have both dogs, who thankfully, don't irritate my allergies. Let's hope it stays that way.
As much as we love relax at the lake on weekends, we haven't had as many lake days as we'd like this year. A lot of this is due to the imminent state government shut down. Craig has been busy with emergency meetings and phone calls. Yesterday, we found out that Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MNSCU) will allow the colleges to use money that's in reserve in order to stay open. This is of great relief not only for our family, but thousands of MNSCU employees across the state. For the sake of the state, we are praying that Governor Dayton and the legislature will put politics aside and come to an agreement that is best for all.
Murray is growing and growing and talking and talking, and TALKING! He's such a chatterbox that the only quiet time around our house is when he's asleep (and sometimes even in deep REM he's still yapping). His latest favorite phrases include: "Oh Yeah, oh yeah!", the words "and also" and "why?" Sometimes, our conversations go like this:
Murray: Mama, I LOVE you.
Me: I love you too, Murray.
Murray: Do you? Oh, of course you do.
(this always cracks me up)
Or, there's this:
Me: Murray, please brush your teeth, we're almost ready to go.
Murray: Mama, the dentist said I have to brush my teeth 2 times, you know?
(I love it when he adds the "you know" at the end, although I'm sure someday, I'll regret it)
So while this sounds like a Christmas letter, I guess it's more of a mid-year update. I will post again soon; next time, with pictures and hopefully, a stimulating conversation starter. Stay safe and dry this weekend. Until next time...TTFN.
1 comment:
Marie! Hey friend. I'm back from my retreat, but getting ready for another shorter adventure to Louisiana next week. THEN we can get together...I hope!
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