Murray's Malady

This morning began as a typical Beckerleg day does. Craig fed Murray and headed to work while I prepared for our day. Murray was being silly, so instead of keeping our steadfast routine, I stole a few minutes to tickle- tumble-chase around on our bed. It was time to get going, so I sat on the edge of the bed to put my air cast on (more on that later) and as I turned, I noticed that he was close to the edge. I no more than turned away when I watched him plummet to the hardwood floor. Sick to my stomach, I dashed to pick him up. He had landed face first, and it was apparent that the left side of his face broke the fall (we have one of those giant beds, so it was a pretty long tumble). Looking back to just a few hours ago, all I can see in my mind is blood. I immediately called Craig to come home and off we went to the e.r. The dr's. attempted to do a CT scan, but he was too upset and scared to lie still. The next option was to sedate him, but we decided on a facial scan instead. It took 2 techs and both Craig and I to hold him down to take four pictures of his face and jaw. The poor guy screamed through the entire process and I was leaking tears everywhere. Turns out, he has a facial contusion, concussion syndrome and a head injury. The head injury is not severe at this time, but we'll need to watch him closely for the next 24-48 hours for signs of bleeding or bruising on the brain. Just what every parent wants to hear, right? I think not. I am feeling terrible because I wasn't paying attention and thought I was smarter than I behaved. Anyway, he's resting comfortably after some Motrin, and I hope that he is on the mend. His teeth chopped through his upper lip and gums, his face is swollen, and he's bruised. On the bright side of things, the Meritcare flight crew came into his room and gave him some tattoos. He loves helicoptors and planes, and put on quite a show for the team, even saying thank you and good bye. He is now sporting a Meritcare helicoptor on his arm and his belly. They even managed to get a lopsided smile out of him. I thank God for happy endings. It could have been so much worse.


Momma tackles 3 said...

Marie- You are a wonderful mom!!! Don't ever let things like this get you down. I know he was scared but the part is you were there for him to make him all better. Accidents happen and there will definitely be more to come. Look at nathan, he will be lucky to make it to age 4! Just remember Murray is a tough kiddo and he is going to give you a run for your money everyday, thats what boys do! Enjoy your trip to Kansas City!!! You deserve it!

Judy said...

Don't be so hard on yourself, Marie. Accidents happen and he will be up and running before long. He's such a good little boy and this won't keep him down for long. Post some pictures, when you can. It will be good to see him.
Take care and remember you are a GREAT mom!!

Roxane B. Salonen said...

Oh, I have never been good with blood, especially blood that comes from my children. My eldest had a similar accident at a similar age and he survived. I know Murray will too. Hang in there. This parenting thing is not for wimps. My friend tells me that often and I repeat it often, too.