I'm Back and Inspired

I know, I know, I've been extremely lazy about posting.  Not that I wanted to be, but sometimes, life just takes over.  I'm here to tell you that I'm back.  Really.  I promise this time, that is, if you're interested.

I tend to get a bit blue when the cold weather sets in, so I've decided to embrace each day by reminding myself how blessed I am.  Following are just a few of the reasons that I love life (in no particular order):

Murray's sweet little hand, tucked in my pocket in my own hand, when we walk to school. 

The sweet and happy tail-wagging greeting of Rudy (and our latest foster, Bella), when we come home after being away.  There is nothing better than a joyous welcome home from our sweet, four-legged K-9 ('s). 

Teaching a sick and scared puppy mill rescue how to live a "Golden Life", and watching his/her personality emerge daily.

Weekly (sometimes more) conversations with my beloved Grandma and Grandpa.  Spending time with them in person is even better (we're overdue).

Love and hugs from our nieces and nephews.  I had no idea how much I would love them, until the instant I met them.

My in-laws.  Pretty fabulous.

My job.  Faith, Family, Freedom, and Free Enterprise.  What a blessing.

My awesome sister.  She's teaching me how to be strong, and I'm so proud of her.

Our friends.  This is all of you.  We love you.

Craig.  My absolute best friend.  I love that we're best friends beyond all else.  Our relationship is number one, and you, my dear, are amazing. To steal a quote I recently read, "I love you like a squirrel loves acorns". 

So bring it on, winter, I'm ready.  I'm counting my blessings, and even you can't ruin them.



Anonymous said...

Glad to see you! I just got done putting my little one to bed and sang her the song,"Counting My Blessings." It really helps put things in perspective.

RETA said...

May blessings abound for you!

RETA said...

Welcome back!

RETA@ http://evenhaazer.blogspot.com

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