
I've never been good at changes.  I prefer routine, I like knowing what's going to happen, and I expect immediate results.  Type A?  I think so.

Anyway, lots of changes are happening in the Beckereleg household, and I'm slowly learning that variety really IS the spice of life.

First, and most important, Murray turned six (SIX!!!!) last week.  I'm proud, yet sad.  Cliche, I know, but time really does go fast.  Our little one went from dumping a box of Cheerios on the floor to building a Lego ambulance by himself in a flash.


As I type this, our nephew (my sister's son) is in the process of entering the world. We absolutely cannot wait to meet him.  In the meantime, we're taking care of his not-so-big sister, Brooklyn, who is just 17 months.  We love her to pieces, and we know we'll love her little brother, too.

Work is fabulous.  I love The Flag Family ( and my co-workers very much.  It's such a blessing to walk in the door each morning and work side-by-side with people who have the same passion for the values and morals that Craig and I embrace.  Yesterday, I began part-time hours, which will give me more time to spend with Murray - what a blessing!  By the way, tune in to AM 1100, or for you Western ND folks, try AM 1090.  Shameless plug.  I am so proud to be a member of The Flag Family.  Believe it or not, we really are an extended family; we check in on each other after hours and on weekends, we pray for each other, and we care about each other.  

As you know, we foster dogs for Retrieve A Golden of Minnesota (RAGOM).  Several weeks ago, the transport team brought us Bella, 13-337.  She is a puppy mill rescue who came to us terrified and sick.  She has 2 massive hernias, has birthed many litters of puppies in her short life (she's four), her teeth are broken and some are missing, she had a serious bladder infection, and is suffering from hip displaysia and arthritis. She's also terrified of humans, although recently, she has decided that she likes my lap.  Did I mention she's only four?  We are nursing her back to health and all around well-being, but it's slow and steady.  Please, never, ever, ever, buy a puppy from a pet store or large facility breeder.  Puppy mills torture and neglect these poor dogs.  I'd like to get on my soap box here, but that's another post.

Speaking of Golden Retrievers, our puppy was born three weeks ago (this picture isn't necessarily her, but one of the litter.  We are third in line to pick). We'll get to meet her tomorrow, and pictures will follow.  We are very excited.  We should have her around Christmas.

So there you go.  While I've never been great at changes, it feels as though the most recent changes are all good.  I'm not sure what will happen next, but I'm ready!

1 comment:

Roxane B. Salonen said...

Hey Marie, those sound like a lot of really great changes! So happy to see the photos of your new nephew. God bless you all!