Dear Family,

It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of my resignation as head dishwasher.  I have been quite satisfied with my position for several years, but unfortunately, my time has come to an end.  Recent events have forced me to make this difficult choice.

Our contract clearly states that members of the family are to carry dirty dishes to the kitchen and clear the table.  Line 589, point F, (contract 07302007) notes that "if parties refuse to cooperate with the head dishwasher, the party has the right to terminate the agreement."

This matter could quickly be solved by the defendant purchasing a mechanical dishwasher or a new home. 

If you have any questions, please contact my attorney, Margaret A. Burlingame.
P.S.  Put your underwear in the hamper.  Both of you!


Kyla @ Mommys Weird said...

Hey! First time here, I'll be back, girl!

Marie said...

Yay! I love it. I'm sorry I've been absent, but recent events have kept me from posting. I'm back now, and ready for it. I"ll be adding you to my blog roll! Thanks for commenting!