But sometimes, said child(ren) can drive you batty (or batsh** crazy, as I like to say, but this is a family friendly blog so...).
For example:
"Mom, MOM, MOOOOMMMMY! WHERE is my car? I can't find my car! No, not THAT blue car, I mean the OTHER blue car. NO, that car is not light blue enough and I want the blue car that has wings with the black on it.
Guess who has to find it? Not us.
"Dad, I'm SO hungry. I really need a snack. No thanks, I don't want a Go-Gurt. No thanks, I don't want a peanut butter sandwich. DAD, NO! I do not want an ice cream treat. Could I please just have a fruit snack? Sheesh!"
Guess who will not be getting a snack?
Not the boy.
And then there's the bargaining tactic:
"Mom, if I pick up my toys, can I can have a treat?"
But, I want a treat! I won't pick up my toys, and I don't CARE about money. YOU ARE SO MEAN!
Guess who won't be receiving his allowance and is grounded from television?
The shaving of my legs saga continues (via my Facebook page):
Murray: Mama, I'm not trying to make fun of you, but do you really want these pokey things on your legs?
Me: No, that's why I shave them.
Murray: You should just shave them every day.
Me: I do shave them every day.
Murray: Well, then I think you should buy a new shaver.
And this:
Murray: Mom, when can I ask Sophia to marry me?
Me: When you are 25. Why do you want to marry her?
Me: It's just that she is the most "beautifulist!". But Mom, when can I ask her to marry me?
Me: What happens when you get married?
Murray: You live with your wife.
Me: Why?
Murray: Because it would be sad if you didn't live with your wife. I really love Sophia and want her to marry me.
Me: When you are 25. Why do you want to marry her?
Me: It's just that she is the most "beautifulist!". But Mom, when can I ask her to marry me?
Me: What happens when you get married?
Murray: You live with your wife.
Me: Why?
Murray: Because it would be sad if you didn't live with your wife. I really love Sophia and want her to marry me.
And we can't forget this classic (our niece is a mixed baby):
My dad: I spy with my little eye, something brown.
Murray: Is it Brooklyn's skin?
One more for you:
Us: What's the matter, Murray? Are you okay?
Murray (sniffling): I BONKED MY PENIS!!!
Murray (sniffling): I BONKED MY PENIS!!!
So, to all of you that love children, take heart. When they drive you bat-sh** crazy, don't feel bad. For every one annoying moment, there are at least 49,000 precious and hilarious moments. Happy parenting.
P.S. Stay tuned. My blogging hiatus is over, and I have a ton to share.
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