Child Care Providers are Angels

Daycare is closed this week.  After all, child care providers deserve a vacation.  Actually, especially child care providers deserve a vacation.  After the morning I've had, I don't know how ours does it. 

Our three year old nephew, Owen, and Murray both go to the same daycare.  Their birthdays are five days apart and they're best friends (most of the time).  Since I don't have class on Thursdays, it only made sense that I watch both boys.  Two are easier than one - they entertain each other.  Or so I thought.

So far today, we've eaten eggs and pancakes, gone on a long bike ride, painted masterpieces, played with colored bubbles (I don't recommend this), spent time in the sandbox, set up the castle complete with balls, had a snack, sung the clean up song five times, and each boy has had a bout of tears - oh wait, Murray just started up again (Owen was trying to get out of the castle and accidentally kicked him in the face).  I've told them to share at least 52 times and constructed train tracks that rival Burlington Northern.

It's only 10:30, and already both boys are already battered.  Owen has a bruise on his cheek because Murray whacked him with a hockey stick.  Murray has a goose egg on his head because he tripped in the bathroom and somehow bonked his head on the step stool.  I've called our pediatrician twice and I'm living in fear that I'll have to call again - or worse, call the ambulance. 

At least they haven't peed in public like they did on Monday when my father-in-law had them.

Is it too early to put them down for a nap and pour a glass of chardonnay?

Hats off to child care providers everywhere.  You are angels waiting for wings.



Roxane B. Salonen said...

Marie, if your father-in-law is like mine, he taught them to pee in public. I would be suspicious at the very least. :) Ah...yeah...motherhood, the easiest job in the world? Not! But then again, all this great fodder for posts, you can't beat that!

KatBouska said...

It's never to early for Chardonnay. This post is hysterical!!

Marie said...

Thanks, Mama Kat. I'm honored hat you stopped by! I feel like I've met a celebrity.