I Got It and He Did It!

Yes, I got the job. Wait - let me back up. Since mid-March, I've been temping as a sales assistant for Great Plains Integrated Marketing (a local radio group owned by the Hennen family), while their permanent s.a. is on maternity leave. I fell in love with the people (several I had worked with in the past, several new to me), the company, the ideals and standards they live and work by, and of course, the position itself. I knew when I started training that I wouldn't want to leave. God smiled on me today; they decided to hire me on a part-time basis. The opportunities for growth are fantastic, and I couldn't be happier. While I was devastated when I was terminated from my last job, it just goes to show that when God closes a window, He opens a door. I've had jobs that I've been happy at, but never have I looked forward to going to work until now. Anyway, I'm thrilled and proud to be a member of the GPIM family.

Speaking of new endeavors, I have an exciting writing project that I am going to be working on beginning Monday. I don't want to go into details yet, but stay tuned. I'll need a lot of advice from my professional writer friends (yes, you, Rox and Sherri), but I think with patience and perseverance, I can get the job done.

One more piece of good news: Murray has successfully used the potty every day this week. He got one sticker on Monday, and 2 stickers (he gets one each time he goes) the rest of the week. I swear Lynsay is magic. I am so excited to be nearing the end of the diapers. Go Murray!

I'd give today an A+.


Roxane B. Salonen said...

Marie, I can't believe I missed this earlier. I'm so happy for you. You couldn't have landed at a better place. Many happy returns! I hope it works to get together this week. We need to celebrate!

Brad said...

So if I have this right... Murray is potty trained before his dad.... right? Maybe if you offer your hubby a beam-coke everytime he successfully makes it to the biffy before soiling himself.... you'll have them both trained!