The Heatbeat of a Home

I woke at 3:00am, just as I always do, but this time was different. I heard the deep breathing of Murray from across the hall, Craig's gentle snoring, Rudy lapping up a late night drink, Nala's heavy breathing, Kirby purring at my feet. It dawned on me in one instant how lucky I am. I was at complete peace. I suppose I've always heard these sounds, but I finally listened to them. Instead of being annoyed at the noise, I was comforted; in fact, I was so thrilled with the noises that are my home that I couldn't go back to sleep. By the time my eyes were heavy with sleep, I knew, with all my heart, that I was exactly where I needed to be. My heartbeat is strong, steady and unwavering.


Roxane B. Salonen said...

Marie, this is a beautiful post! Sometimes, those poignant moment of awareness are the best life offers, but of course, only if we notice. So glad you noticed! I think that's the basis of just stopping long enough to pay attention. :)

Marie said...

Thank you, Roxane. It was a beautiful moment! We need to get together. I need your friendship and a bit of advice.