Random Thoughts

Note: This is an edited version of today's post.
The days since my last post have been hectic, to say the least. Our anniversary was wonderful . It was so much fun to be together, to celebrate our love and reflect on the last four years. That's all I will say - it was just such a special evening.

I wouldn't however, recommend eating at Up The Creek. Our steaks were very good, but the place was just like any other Timberlodge, Applebee's, Red Lobster, etc. - i.e. boring. Same old, same old. The atmosphere was blah - we just didn't feel like it was a "special" place. Maybe a good spot for a gathering, but not an anniversary. We probably could have gone to McDonald's though, and I would have been happy. It was just great to be out together.

Murray spiked a temp of 103 on Saturday evening, so Craig and I took turns on the night watch. He still wasn't himself on Sunday, and his right eye was swollen and red, so I took him to the walk in clinic. Thankfully, it's not pink eye, but the doctor thinks it's periorbital cellulitis. Not a good diagnosis, and can be dangerous if left untreated, so hopefully the anitbiotics will take care of it. Nothing like a good dose of fear to get our adrenaline pumping.

This was the first weekend pretty much all summer that we have stayed put at home, and it was nice. We sat on the deck, putzed around the house, ran some errands, and just relaxed (and tended to our sick little one, of course). I don't want to rush summer by any means (it is my favorite season after all), but there is something peaceful about quiet fall weekends at home. Brisk, sunny days, snuggling under the covers, bright, crunchy leaves, something yummy stewing in the crockpot - it's all so magical. Sometimes I feel like all we do is pack and unpack in the summer to hurry up to relax. So, when summer sadly winds down, I find comfort in a beautiful Minnesota autumn.

We accepted an offer on our mom's house last week. We close August 29th. This means that we'll be wrapping up the final details of her estate very soon. I can't bear to think about the house not being ours anymore, but there isn't any reason to hang on to it. We'll always have our memories, I guess, but it just feels so final - I can't really describe it right now. I have been avoiding thinking about this all weekend. I probably need to face it head on, but I just can't yet. I need to work through this in my head first, you know, the business aspect first, and then I will let my heart in. Right now, it just hurts too much. I'm not ready to give in. . .

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