Be at Peace

I'm sitting here talking with my dad on the deck, and we're having a very nice time. We're relaxing, and that's what I was hoping to do this first weekend after my first week as a patient as Priaire, I'm very tired, but that is normal in people with depression. We are having friends visit for a barbecue, and I'm very excited to see them. I may have to go to bed early, but right now, I feel okay to do that. Tomorrow we are going to the lake, and that is my most favorite, peaceful place on earth. Peace to all.


Roxane B. Salonen said...

I hadn't checked in for a while and was surprised to find you'd been struggling. We women are very fragile creatures but also strong, but sometimes we do need to stop and take time to breathe. I'm proud of you for doing just that. My prayers are with you in your recovery. You sound great and I know you will continue to do well.
Thanks for filling us in.

Marie said...


Thank you so much for your comment. It's nice to know that you care, and are following my progress. You are an inspiration to many, including myself. Thanks for keeping up with me, and most especially, your prayers!
Take care,