Attack of the Pony

Murray and Mariana
Don't they make a great couple?
We spent a lovely afternoon at a local pumpkin patch yesterday with our friend Kristine, and her daughter, Mariana. It was by far the best patch we've visited. The kids had a blast with the many activities that the farm had to offer.

As you know, I love, love, love animals, so when I learned that they had a small petting zoo, I was more excited than the three year olds.  The baby goats were great fun, the cow kind of boring, the big horned sheep precious.  Next up, I visited the miniature horse.

I was gently petting this seemingly sweet guy when he started to nibble on my arm.  He got a bit agressive, so I turned around and attempted to walk away.  The darn creature put his hooves on the top of the fence and attacked.  I swear he was trying to eat me.  He bit me so hard that my skin was punctured.

Despite the fact that I can't sleep on my right side and my back is a swollen rainbow of colors, I find the whole incident pretty hilarious. Really, who gets attacked by a petting zoo pony? Clearly, I do.

This is what I felt like doing after the bite:

Whinny.  Giddy up.  Let the horse jokes begin.

Photo credit:  Kristine


Roxane B. Salonen said...

I saw it first on Facebook but now I know more of the story. Unbelievable, truly! A petting zoo horse? Only you, Marie. :)

I hope you recover soon. What's next? :)

Marie said...

You are so right, Roxane. Only me. I'm just glad it wasn't a child! :)

Anti-Supermom said...

I'm sorry about the bite, but wow... what good blog fodder! LOL!

Marie said...

You're right, it was perfect blog fodder! Today we rode my dad's horses in western ND, and I'm happy to report that they didn't bite me. :)